Friday, March 20, 2009

Last Day at Holy Cross

Ruby's treated us to a beautiful sunrise on our last morning in San Pedro.

It seems impossible that a week has gone by so quickly, but today was our last day with the kids of Holy Cross. We wrapped up lighting projects, read one last book in the classroom, taught one more lesson, nailed in just one more board and fixed one more desk.

Laura told just one more story:


We ended our time there with a chapel service to bless and dedicate the Holy Cross Computer Center.

What an honor to have St. Anne's name appear on the plaque that now hangs on the Computer Center wall! And what a blessing to have been able to spend this time in this very special place, where angels appear, every day; where we are able to see God, in each other, just by looking; where laughter and love grow, strong and healthy. Thank you, Holy Cross.

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