Thursday, March 19, 2009

Days Three and Four!

We have been busy, working hard in the hot sun!

Floorboards have been installed in the walkways. Light fixtures have been replaced. Roof soffets are in place now. Teachers have been getting extra help in the classroom. There has even been a soccer game or two played. Lydia led three chapel services today for the students of Holy Cross and then taught religion classes to the upper level classes.

Our visit to the San Mateo neighborhood, where approximately 200 of the children who attend Holy Cross school live, reminded us today of how great the need is here and why we came. There is still no sewer, water or safe electricity. It is amazing that children who live in such poverty come to school every day, with clean uniforms and smiles on their faces. They are such incredible little spirits and it is such a blessing to be able to work for and with them.

We miss you!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Grandpa!! Don't forget the sunscreen...Miss you and love you!!! - Michelle, Drew, Gwen, Dave
