Friday, March 20, 2009

Last Day at Holy Cross

Ruby's treated us to a beautiful sunrise on our last morning in San Pedro.

It seems impossible that a week has gone by so quickly, but today was our last day with the kids of Holy Cross. We wrapped up lighting projects, read one last book in the classroom, taught one more lesson, nailed in just one more board and fixed one more desk.

Laura told just one more story:


We ended our time there with a chapel service to bless and dedicate the Holy Cross Computer Center.

What an honor to have St. Anne's name appear on the plaque that now hangs on the Computer Center wall! And what a blessing to have been able to spend this time in this very special place, where angels appear, every day; where we are able to see God, in each other, just by looking; where laughter and love grow, strong and healthy. Thank you, Holy Cross.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Days Three and Four!

We have been busy, working hard in the hot sun!

Floorboards have been installed in the walkways. Light fixtures have been replaced. Roof soffets are in place now. Teachers have been getting extra help in the classroom. There has even been a soccer game or two played. Lydia led three chapel services today for the students of Holy Cross and then taught religion classes to the upper level classes.

Our visit to the San Mateo neighborhood, where approximately 200 of the children who attend Holy Cross school live, reminded us today of how great the need is here and why we came. There is still no sewer, water or safe electricity. It is amazing that children who live in such poverty come to school every day, with clean uniforms and smiles on their faces. They are such incredible little spirits and it is such a blessing to be able to work for and with them.

We miss you!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day Two

The school was a bustling place today and we were busy! There were construction projects, special classroom presentations, computers to set up and a new teacher, added to the already high energy level at Holy Cross. We were right in the midst of it all and definitely felt we had put in a good day's work by the time we walked the mile from Holy Cross back to our hotel. We're all tired, but it is a good tired, and it is good to feel needed here.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Holy Cross: Day One

After waiting out an early morning rain storm, we walked from our hotel to Holy Cross early this morning, excited to be a part of San Pedro as it woke up. We arrived at the school to eat breakfast as many of the Holy Cross children were having their breakfast as well. Holy Cross is the only school in Belize to feed their students free of charge and the breakfast crowd gathers early.

We arrived at the school not knowing what was next, but soon met with several school staff members to plan our week at Holy Cross. After hearing specifics about what needed to be done at the school, each person in our group spent some time trying to find their own niche. As the day unfolded, Bill and Mike found themselves fixing roof soffits, Mark and Gene laid flooring, Lydia worked on teacher training, Jennifer was reunited with some of the children she taught last year and Laura worked her storytelling magic in the classroom.

Our group grew by one today when Philip Brown arrived via Tropic Air. Hooray!

The school has made significant progress in the last year, but there is still much work to be done. We feel so blessed to be able to contribute what we can.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


After a full day of airport security lines, connecting flights, baggage claim, customs officers and helpful taxi drivers, willing to transport the many bags we brought all the way from The Land of Snow, we arrived in Belize, safe and sound. Palm trees, sunny skies, brightly colored houses, and smiling faces welcomed us with open arms. Belize is undoubtedly one of the friendliest countries in the world.

We settled into the Chateau Caribbean, a one hundred year old former statesman's residence in Belize City, late Saturday afternoon and spent some time wandering around the hotel neighborhood on Saturday evening. After months of Minnesota winter, the balmy sea air was such a treat!

The Cathedral Church of St. John the Baptist welcomed us at their service Sunday morning, led by The Rt. Rev. Philip Wright, Bishop of Belize. We were delighted to see a few familiar faces at the cathedral, and even more delighted to see that we were familiar faces to some church members there too.

Later Sunday morning we headed for Lamanai, an ancient Mayan ruin site. The one hour boat ride on the New River can be summed up in three words: birds, birds, birds!

The ruins were beautiful and provided us with quite a workout:

We took a water taxi out to San Pedro late Sunday afternoon, excited to get back to the island and to Holy Cross. The highlight (so far) of our trip was when we were walking from the water taxi to our hotel. Three children walking along the beach called out to us, "Hey! Are you going to Holy Cross?" Yes, we said, "We remember you!" they said to us. We've been smiling ever since.